There are three categories of resource in the game: basic resources, unique resources, and processed goods. In total, there are 32 different resources, all of which are tradeable in-game.There are 5 basic resources: Food, Electricity, Minerals, Gas, and Gel. There are 7 unique resources: Metal, Hyperium, Titanium, Aldar Crystals, Lythuric Gas, Yurantic Crystals, and Gray Dust.There are 20 processed goods: Products, Cornerstones, Alloys, Volatile Motes, Consumer Goods, Higgs Gold, Living Metal, Liquid Metal, Luxury Works, Jupitium, Saturnium, Uranium, Neptium, Ionizing Fiber, Neutronium Ore, Exotic Particles, Nuclear Material, Antimatter, Dark Matter, and Ether.