There are three categories of resource in the game: basic resources, unique resources, and processed goods. In total, there are 32 different resources, all of which are tradeable in-game.There are 5 basic resources: Food, Electricity, Minerals, Gas, and Gel. There are 7 unique resources: Metal, Hyperium, Titanium, Aldar Crystals, Lythuric Gas, Yurantic Crystals, and Gray Dust.There are 20 processed goods: Products, Cornerstones, Alloys, Volatile Motes, Consumer Goods, Higgs Gold, Living Metal, Liquid Metal, Luxury Works, Jupitium, Saturnium, Uranium, Neptium, Ionizing Fiber, Neutronium Ore, Exotic Particles, Nuclear Material, Antimatter, Dark Matter, and Ether.
What resources exist in the game?
Last Updated: 1107d